Scholarly Articles
AirU Network & Calibration
- A distributed Low-Cost Pollution Monitoring Platform
- Development of a calibration chamber to evaluate the performance of low-cost particulate matter sensors
- A Recursive Approach to Partially Blind Calibration of a Pollution Sensor Network
- Ambient and laboratory evaluation of a low-cost particulate matter sensor
- A Deep Learning Approach to Sensor Fusion Inference at the Edge
- Long-term calibration models to estimate ozone concentrations with a metal oxide sensor
- The effectiveness of drones in measuring particulate matter
- Evaluating Wildfire Smoke Transport Within a Coupled Fire-Atmosphere Model Using a High-Density Observation Network for an Episodic Smoke Event Along Utah's Wasatch Front
- Patterns of distributive environmental inequity under different PM2.5 air pollution scenarios for Salt Lake County public schools
- Indoor Household Particulate Matter Measurements Using a Network of Low-cost Sensors
- EpiFi: An in-Home IoT Architecture for Epidemiological Deployments
Education & Community Engagement
- Engaging Pre-college Students in Hypothesis Generation Using a Citizen Scientist Network of Air Quality Sensors
- Citizen Scientists Engagement in Air Quality Measurements
- Building Air Quality Sensors & Inspiring Citizen Scientists
- Laboratory Evaluation of Alphasense OPC-N3, Plantower PMS5003, and PMS6003 Sensors
- Performance Evaluation of Alphasense OPC-N3 and Plantower PMS5003 sensor in measuring dust events in Salt Lake Valley, Utah